I started the certification phase of CTI almost 6 months ago. As HR Executive for 2 companies, getting my son ready for college, taking care of personal responsibilities such as paying bills and grocery shopping I already had way too much on my to do list. Certification added weekly calls, homework, journaling, 6 supervised coaching sessions, coaching a minimum of 5 clients and a minimum of 100 hrs. (I had 13 clients by the end) – I was overwhelmed.
I didn’t know how I was going to keep it all straight. Then a friend introduced me to “Todoist.” This list making and project management app is the best that I have ever used. It integrates with my desktop, my phone, ipad, & apple watch. I set up projects and with simple natural language commands (like “homework journal every Thursday”). I told Todoist when I wanted to get a reminder or a task completed. And there it was, OUT OF MY BRAIN AND INTO TODOIST.
Now I can stay mindfully in the present knowing that Todoist will keep track of my future. There are a host of work related project deliverables on my Todoist. But equally as important Todoist helps me focus on my commitments to myself and my dreams. On my daily TODOIST is gratitude, working out, yoga, meditation, coaching topics, how to bring more quiet in, writing this Blog and more... WHAT'S ON YOUR TODOIST?